The Borders

Really these are ‘what if’ pieces – pieces of incongruity and happenstance.

The indiscriminate nature of a ‘man-made’ border wall, which then somehow comes to define a culture, a nationality and a law. These are not natural, neutral borders – they aren’t mountains, great lakes, or seas – these are artificial; planned, designed. These are constructed. Man-made.

So I made them.

These borders, which are real borders reproduced; borders which actually exist, have been taken to places where there is no border, and therefore look out of place.

And this was done really to question where a border ‘doesn’t look out of place. Where do we find it acceptable to have a border? Why do we have them? What purpose they serve, and what purpose are we are told they serve? – which isn’t the same thing.

These indiscriminate, chaotic borders, come to exemplify something by which to discriminate. Trump said build a wall - So I did.